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About UVCA Notes and Events Drew Mill and Dam

April 2014
New Board Members Elected

Greater Wakefield Resource Center

At our meeting on Sunday, March 23rd, we heard from Tom Dube, President of the Greater Wakefield Chamber of Commerce, on plans for an April 15th Chamber event in Union. (The Chamber will also return to hosting the Wakefield Pride Day in Sanbornville this year, on May 17th.) The Members agreed to participate with the Chamber in the April event.

The Association discussed recent accomplishments restoring the Drew Mill and Dam on the Branch River and made plans for work this summer painting the exterior of the Mill and doing more masonry work on the Dam. John Katwick of Milton, who has been instrumental in the restoration of the Milton Town House, shared his experiences with historic preservation.

A By-law Amendment was passed allowing for some members of the Board to come from outside Union Village. Board members elected were Ruth Hall, Sally Hildreth, Dick House, Pat Sullivan and Rose Gray from Union, as well as Richard Mauser of Brookfield and Dave Towle of East Wakefield.

Collage of Union Church, Resource Center, and Railroad Depot

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Union Village Community Association P.O. Box 161 Union, NH 03887    info@uvca.org